
Research Center of Excellence

- 开展真菌多样性、功能和全球变化、分类、系统发育和进化、植物病理学和内生植物、蘑菇栽培、真菌化学发现和社区服务等方面的研究。
- 为泰国提供区域文化收藏和植物标本馆。
- 利用独特的文化发展菌类产品和农产品的相关研究。
- 在真菌分类学和系统发育、菌类科学、真菌农业用途方面培训新的真菌学家。
- 为区域参与者提供有价值的研讨会。
Emeritus Prof. Dr. Kevin David Hyde
E-mail: kdhyde3@gmail.com
Expertise : Taxonomy, phylogeny and biodiversity of fungi
- The Center publishes more than 100 SCI research articles in reputed journals each year.
- The Center introduced more than 700 new species of Thai fungi, as 65% of fungal studies in Thailand from CEFR.
- The Center has 10000 strain in MFLUCC and 20000 in fungarium that very high biodiversity for industrial use and many novel mushrooms for industrial cultivation.
- More than 25 PhD and 6 MS graduates from CEFR (between 2011-2018).
- Presently, the center has more than 65 PhD students and recruiting at least ten new PhD scholars in each year.
- The Center is proposing to organize training workshops for regional participants in key areas such as community development, mushroom cultivation and production, pathogenic fungal identification.
1. 发展草药创新、泰国传统医学和替代医学领域的研究
2. 开发高质量的泰国疗法并促进泰国草药的生产以促进公共卫生
3. 促进泰国传统医学和替代医学研究的联系与合作
4. 为泰国传统医学和替代医学的学生提供培训和教育活动
5. 建立综合性药用植物创新知识中心
- 7. 促进保存泰国传统医学和替代医学的当地智慧
Asst. Prof. Dr. Rawiwan Charoensup
Tel: +66 (0) 5391 6540, +668 3860 5114
E-mail: rawiwan.cha@mfu.ac.th
1.Greater Plantain Gel
Plantago major L. or Greater plantain is an herbaceous plant with an underground stem that can grow in every part of Thailand. Northern folk medicine applies roasted Greater plantain or water from squeezing Greater plantain on affected areas with pain such as back, knee or leg. This method is a local wisdom of folk medicine which has been inherited since the past.
The Medicinal Plant Innovation Center of Mae Fah Luang University invented innovation of pain relief gel. The result from the clinical studies found that treatment of Greater plantain gel combining with Thai massage can significantly decrease pain in aching knee when compared with the control group.
2.Herbal Massage Cream
Researchers from the Medicinal Plant Innovation Center invented the method of extracting essential oils from Thai herbal compress ball and developed essential oil into a cream. The result from cell culture assay found that extracts from herbal compress ball oil have an anti-inflammatory effect in the cell
- 成为天然产品创新研究中心
- 成为天然产品开发和学术培训的中心。
- 学术服务。
- 支持大学培养具有与天然产品创新相关的知识、能力和技能的毕业生
- 服务和支持皇太后大学的使命
Natthawut Thitipramote 博士
电话:+66(0) 5391 7552
1.Anti-hair loss products (Number 333 Anti-hair loss products)
Anti-Hair Loss Products (Shampoo, conditioner and hair tonic) containing Sang Yod rice extract
- 跟进政府政策,并协调政府和私营部门,以促进泰国茶和咖啡业。
- 作为国内和国际茶和咖啡领域的协调和网络中心。
- 作为行业的茶咖啡资源中心,负责收集、分析、综合、传播和传递茶和咖啡信息和知识。
- 通过提供研究、技术咨询和实验室服务等服务,支持茶咖啡行业的发展
我们的使命是在学术研究、科学研究、服务和有效协调方面成为领先的资源中心,并在国内和国际层面得到认可。 我们将响应政府和私营部门的需求,为推动泰国茶和咖啡的经济和社会发展发挥重要作用。
Asst. Prof. Dr. Piyaporn Chueamchaitrakun
Tel: +66(0) 5391 6221
E-mail: piyaporn.chu@mfu.ac.th
Dr. Amorn Owatworakit (Head of Coffee Division)
Tel: +66(0) 5391
E-mail: amorn@mfu.ac.th
- Tea Research Institute, China
- Thai-Japan Alliance for tea Industry, Japan
- International Society of Tea Science, India
- Tocklai Tea Research Institute, India
- Tea Resource Integrate Development Alliance (TRIDA), Taiwan
- Tea Research Center of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (TRI, CASS)
- Nation Science and Technology Development Agency
- International Society of tea Science
- Thai Coffee & Tea Association
- National Science and Technology Development Agency
- Department of Agriculture Extension
- Department of Agriculture
- Chiang Mai Royal Agricultural Research Center
- Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau (TCEB)
- Thailand Food Innopolis
- Singha park Chiangrai Company Limited
- Doi Chaang Tea Company Limited
- Pana Coffee Company Limited
- Bluekoff Company Limited
- Tea and Chinese Cultural Appreciation Society of Thailand
Tea and Coffee Institute of Mae Fah Luang University
333 Moo1, Thasud, Muang, Chiang Rai 57100
Tel./Fax : +66 (0) 5391 6253
E-mail : teacoffee@mfu.ac.th

2. 加强国内外研究能力和学术网络
3. 促进符合可持续性的材料的研究、技术、创新和知识产权,包括其潜在应用和进一步商业化
建立可持续发展创新材料中心 (IMatS) 皇太后大学的成立是为了确保跨学科合作研究的管理效率,并加强国内和国际的研究能力和学术网络。 我们的目标是对有助于可持续发展的材料进行创造性研究、去创造; 并促进可用于商业目的的新技术、创新和知识产权。
Asst. Prof. Dr.Nattakan Soykeabkaew
Tel: +66(0) 5391 6774, +668 5625 4242
E-mail: nattakan@mfu.ac.th
1.Bee Nuc from Rice Straw Composite
This research developed the Bee Nuc for Queen Bee from biomass composite materials and then transferred the technology to help beekeepers grow the bee species 3-5 times faster. From this research, we convert agricultural wastes into the valuable product. We also aim to reduce the level of PM 2.5 pollution caused by burning of agricultural residues after harvesting.
2.Molded Pulp with Nanocellulose Reinforcement
This research reinforced the molded pulp packaging from bagasse with cellulose nanofibers and found that they were noticeably much stronger than the controls. Therefore, this can reduce the use of bagasse pulp raw materials for at least 25%. From the research result, we have already transferred the technology to the industrial sector to apply in their production process.
3.Biocomposite Table Set
This research developed an environmentally friendly structural material from biocomposite materials which had a sandwich structure, hence, lightweight but high strength. They can be used as a substitute for real woods or other engineered woods. From this research, we convert agricultural wastes into the valuable product. We also aim to reduce the level of PM 2.5 pollution caused by burning of agricultural residues after harvesting.
4.Biomass Pellet from Corn Residues
This research aimed to increase the efficiency of the biomass pellet from corn residues by mixing with torrefied fuel in different ratios. It was found that the increasing amount of torrefied fraction helped increase the energy value of the biomass pellet and its density. Also, durability were still within the standard commercial values. Therefore, this method can reduce the production costs for the entrepreneurs and increase the quality of their biomass fuel products
5.Cement-Waste Glass Block
Cement blocks for high strength applications made from cement and waste glass.
6.Foam from Recycled Glass
Foam made from municipal glass wastes- with its exceptionally high fire resistance and thermal resistance properties, it is used as construction and insulation materials.
7. Eco-Tile
Low energy consumption eco-tile
在 CIS-MFU 与国家和国际合作伙伴之间合作研究项目。
- 在化学研究和创新方面取得卓越成就
Assoc. Prof. Dr.Surat Laphookhieo
School of Science
Tel: +66 (0) 5391 6795 Fax: +66 (0) 5391 6677
E-mail: surat.lap@mfu.ac.th
Q1 Publication (Selected papers from 2019-2020).
- Alkaloids and styryllactones from Goniothalamus cheliensis. Phytochemistry, 2019, 157, 8-50.
- Amides and flavonoids from the fruit and leaf extracts of Melodorum siamensis. Journal of Natural Products 2019, 82, 283-291.
- α-Glucosidase inhibitory flavonoids and oxepinones from the leaf and twig extracts of Desmos cochinchinensis. Journal of Natural Products 2019, 82, 741-747.
- Antibacterial and inhibitory activities against nitric oxide production of coumaronochromones and prenylated isoflavones from Millettia extensa. Journal of Natural Products 2019, 82, 2343-2348.
- Dasymaschalolactams A–E, aristolactams from a twig extract of Dasymaschalon dasymaschalum. Journal of Natural Products 2019, 82, 3176-3180.
- Enhanced properties of injectable chitosan-based thermogelling hydrogels by silk fibroin and longan seed extract for bone tissue engineering. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2019, 138, 412–424.
- Phloroglucinol benzophenones and xanthones from the leaves of Garcinia cowa and their nitric oxide production and α-glucosidase inhibitory activities. Journal of Natural Products 2020, 83, 164-168.
- Styryllactones from Goniothalamus tamirensis. Phytochemistry 2020, 171, 112248.
- Chemical composition of essential oils from different parts of Zingiber kerrii Craib and their antibacterial, antioxidant, and tyrosinase Inhibitory activities. Biomolecules 2020, 10, 228.
- Bioassay-guided isolation and identification of antidiabetic compounds from Garcinia cowa leaf extract Heliyon 2020, 6, e03625.
- Electrospun gelatin matrices with bioactive pDNA polyplexes. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2020, 149, 296-308.
- Thermosensitive chitosan/silk protein hydrogels loaded with longan seed extract
- Wond dressing based on semi-solid poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogels containing ginger essential oil encapsulated in chitosan nanoparticles and its process
- Chitosan nanoparticles loaded with Cordyceps militaris extract and their process
- Cosmeceutical materials based on the blend of the quaternized β-cyclodextrin grafted with chitosan containing curcumin and polyvinyl alcohol and their process
- Wound dressings based on cellulose sponges containing curcumin-β-cyclodextrin inclusion complex/chitosan and their process
- Bilayer wound dressing based on alginate incorporated with curcumin-β-cyclodextrin inclusion complex/chitosan hydrogel and its process
- Facial mask containing chitosan nanoparticles loaded with Cordyceps militaris extract and its
- Test kit for analysis of total cholesterol in blood by mean of microfluidic based devices
- Test kit for analysis of antioxidant activity by mean of measuring distances on paper sensor
- Department of Chemistry, University of British Columbia, Canada
- School of Chemistry and Molecular Bioscience, University of Wollongong, Sustralia
- Department of Department of Chemical Biology, College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University
- National Chung-Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan
- Department Microbial Drugs Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Germany
- Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University
- Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Khon Kaen University
- Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University
- Chakri Naruebodindra Medical Institute, Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital Mahidol University
- School of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Phayao
- Department of Chemistry, School of Science, Walailak University
Assoc. Prof. Dr.Surat Laphookhieo
Tel: +66 (0) 5391 6795 Fax: +66 (0) 5391 6677
E-mail: surat.lap@mfu.ac.th
Asst. Prof. Dr. Tawatchai Apidachkual
Tel: +66 (0) 5391 6914
E-mail: tawatchai.api@mfu.ac.th
No | Works | Type of works | Summary |
1 | Hill tribe audio computer assisted self-interview software (HACASI) | Health innovation | HACASI software systems are especially well suited for collecting sensitive data on risky sexual behavior among targeted populations. |
2. | Medication alert using mobile platform for tuberculosis patient (MDOT) | Health innovation | Drug alert using a mobile platform for improving DOTS program among TB patients. |
3 | Zoning for open burning control policy in highland | Public policy | This preliminary designed zoning program is effectively used for controlling open burning in highland. It will control the smoke which causes health problems. |
4 | A community-based program for improving quality of life for the hill tribe elderly population | Public policy | The program is used for improving quality of life among the hill tribe elderly population by focusing on enhancing stakeholders’ roles in a community. |
5 | A hand foot mouth disease (HFMD) prevention and control guideline | Public policy | A guideline is developed based on the evidences found, which is focused on setp-by-step in prevention and control HFMD in a day care center |
No. | Collaboration | Type of Collaboration | Summary |
1 | Thailand-World Health Organization | Scientific collaboration | Scientific information sharing, national and international conferences, and research collaboration |
2 | HKU-Pasteur Research Pool | Scientific collaboration | Scientific information sharing, and exchange of researchers and students |
3 | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA | Scientific collaboration | Sharing of scientific information, research tools and materials |
4 | Ministry of Public Health, Thailand | Scientific collaboration | Scientific information sharing, national and international conferences, |
Asst. Prof. Dr.Tawatchai Apidachkual
Tel: +66 (0) 5391 6914
E-mail: tawatchai.api@mfu.ac.th
- L– 学习:我们积极促进和激发学习活动。
- O – 机会:我们坚持以机会为中心的学习和知识生成
- G – 扎根:我们重视扎根的理论方法以提供深入研究
- I – 创新:我们以创新的方式优化我们的研究和知识工作
- S – 战略:我们为客户、社区和行业制定战略
- T – 转变:我们的目标是转变我们的人力资源和社区
- 制定创新战略以提高业务能力并创造竞争优势
- 在商业分析、卓越商业模式、供应链管理和国际物流等领域开展研究并开展学术活动;
- 制定创新战略以提高业务能力并创造竞争优势
- 促进与供应链管理和国际物流、企业家精神和商业社会创新、卓越商业和旅游管理领域的国际、区域和国家各级机构的合作。
Dr. Chatrudee Jongsureyapart
Tel: +66 (0) 5391 6695
Email: chatrudee.jon@mfu.ac.th
No. | Work | Type of work | Summary |
1 | Critical Success Factors and Processed Fruit Export Supply Chain Improvement of Thai SME to India |
Journal Publication SJR Q3
It is an analysis of critical success factors for entrepreneurs who want to export fruit products to India. The study found that the success factors is quality of Thai processed fruits. |
2 | Risk Factor Analysis of Rubber Wood Sawn Timber Value Chain as Export to China | Journal Publication
This is a study of risk of exporting rubber wood products to China |
3 | Risk for Exporting Processed Fruit of Thai SME to India Market | v Journal Publication
This research aims to study export risk toward Indian market in context of Thai processed fruits. The findings reveal that Indian consumer’s behavior, anxiety of trade contract, and asymmetry information are the significant export risks when Thai SMEs aim to export products to India. |
4. | Study of Performance and Supply Chain connectivity for sustainability of Thai Exporting Egg in Myanmar Market | Journal Publication
and TV Digital Publication on CH 32HD
This is a study of supply chain connectivity of Thai eggs export to Myanmar to enhance the sustainability for Thai egg industry. |
No. | Collaboration | Type of Collaboration | Summary |
1 | Kerry express | MOU | The cooperation for internship, guest speaker, factory visit, research and academic activities |
2 | Kerry express | MOU | The cooperation for internship, guest speaker, factory visit, research and academic activities |
3 | Kerry express | MOU | The cooperation for internship, guest speaker, factory visit, research and academic activities |
Ms. Pimpaka Kinana
Tel: +669 8246 4704
E-mail: Pimpaka.kin@gmail.com
- 1. 在研究、教学和内化的前沿领域发展人工智能和新兴技术的能力。
- 2. 开发创新,满足行业和社区的需求。
- 3. 通过提高工业研究收入和出版物的质量,为大学的排名发挥作用。
Assoc. Prof. Wing Commander Dr.Tossapon Boongoen
Tel: +668 855 3339
E-mail: tossapon.boo@mfu.ac.th
No. | Work | Type of work | Summary |
1 | M-Care: dust level assessment system | Innovation/Public interest | It is on-site and portable dust-level assessment unit, with a web-based monitoring tool (available at : datascience.mfu.ac.th/M-care/) |
2 | Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF): From Stars to Baht | Innovation (Work-integrated learning) | This 3-year project, funded by UK STFC, develops data science projects for industries and research agency including Thai AirAsia, Thanapiriya, Deevana Plaza Patong, Openlandscape and BIOPHICS (Center of Excellence at Mahidol University). Funding is around 9 million Baht for 3 years. |
3 | Newton Fund Project: Anomaly detection using AI, big data and cybersecurity technologies | Innovation/Public interest | This is the first and only Newton Fund award at MFU. The project is funded by Royal Academy of Engineering (UK) and Thai Research Funding. Collaborations includes T-NET company, Royal Thai Air Force, and Defence Technology Institution. Funding is around 2 million Baht for 2 years. |
4 | Deep learning models for EOD X-ray image analysis | Innovation (Work-integrated learning) | The models, funded by Defence Technology Institution, and others are integrated into an EOD robot, which can be exploited to handle the event of verifying suspected/explosive objects.
Funding is around 2 million Baht for 1 year.
5 | Newton Fund Project: Handling big astronomical data | Innovation/Public interest | It is a collaboration with NARIT and GOTO project to explore technologies and train Thai researchers to handle and analyse astronomical data. Funding is around 8 million Baht for 3 years (Human cost at MFU is around 2 million). |
6 | Ecosystem for learning in 21st century | Innovation/Public interest | It is funded by Thai Research Funding to develop a framework that adapts learning process according to learners’ preferences. Funding is around 0.6 million Baht for 1 year. |
7 | Seamless Emergency Medical Service (EMS): Chaing Rai Model | Innovation/Public interest | It is funded by National Thai Research Council to develop a framework that effectively manages data and processes within the EMS. This is the collaboration between MFU, Chiang Rai main and local hospitals. Funding is around 4.4 million Baht for 1 year. |
No. | Collaboration | Type of works | Summary |
1 | MOU: MFU and Defence Technology Institution | MOU | General academic and research collaboration |
2 | MOU: MFU and Defence Technology Institution | MOA | Based on project in the previous section, 5 (4) |
3 | MOU: MFU and NARIT | MOU | General academic and research collaboration. Also, it covers project in the previous section, 5 (5) |
4 | MOA: MFU and University of Sheffield | MOA | Based on project in the previous section, 5 (2) |
5 | MOA: MFU and Northumbria University | MOA | Based on project in the previous section, 5 (3) |
6 | MOA: MFU and Chiang Rai Hospital | MOA | Based on project in the previous section, 5 (7) |
Assoc. Prof. Wing Commander Dr.Tossapon Boongoen
Tel: +668 855 3339
E-mail: tossapon.boo@mfu.ac.th

Research Group
- 从基础和应用研究中积累知识,以便在商业上扩展和使用它
- 根据我们的专有技术和产品开发向社区传播知识
- 通过整合跨学科知识来创造增值产品,与社区和私营公司建立研究合作
Sunita Chamyuang 博士
电话:+66 (0) 5391 6781
- Petty patent: Adenosine extraction method from Cordyceps militaris (petty patent no. 1803001898)
- Patent: Production of bacterial cellulose from molasses and waste coconut water (patent no. 1801004704)
- Product Prototypes
- Anti-hairloss shampoo from Cordyceps militaris
- Anti-hairloss tonic from Cordyceps militaris
- Antiaging serum from Cordyceps militaris
- Antiaging essence from Cordyceps militaris
- Award
The research project “Development of extraction method for active compounds from Cordyceps militaris for an anti-hairloss shampoo” won the Honorable Mention for “the outstanding research and innovation contest 2019” in the Research Administration Network Conference (RANC 2019) organized by Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation during 20 – 22 November 2019.
- Publication
Chamyuang, S., Owatworakit, A., & Honda, Y. (2019). New insights into cordycepin production in Cordyceps militaris and applications. Annals of translational medicine, 7(Suppl 3), S78. doi.org/10.21037/atm.2019.04.12
- Universities
- Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Japan
- Department of Food Service and Management, Faculty of Food Science and Technology Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
- School of Biosciences, Taylor’s University, Malaysia
- Department of Home Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University, Thailand
- Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, Burapha University, Thailand
- Companies
- Namchow (Thailand) Ltd.
- MG Cordy Gold Company Limited
- Thongpon Pickled Fish Part., Ltd
Dr.Sunita Chamyuang
Tel: +66 (0) 5391 6781
E-mail: sunita@mfu.ac.th
- 皇太后大学的工作人员能够有效的运用资源和联合行动
- 支持神经科学研究并在皇太后大学建立脑科学与工程研究网络
- 促进使用研究成果改善社区居民的生活素质
- 在本科和研究生阶段生产和传播教学方法知识
- 向当地人民和社区传递知识
- 在皇太后大学和社区建立一个脑科学和工程研究网络的研究和发展
- 建立会议和研讨会网络,以确定研究战略计划并向皇太后大学和社区的工作人员传播知识
- 根据研究人员的潜力、可用资源和与其他机构的合作,为他们提供支持
Asst. Prof Dr. Phakkharawat Sittiprapaporn
Tel: +669 7131 7997
Email: wichian.sit@mfu.ac.th
No. | Collaboration | Type of Collaboration | Summary |
1 | Prof. Dr. Azizuddin Khan
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai city, India
MOA | ASEAN-India Collaborative Research and Development Projects sanctioned under ASEAN-India Science and Technology Cooperation Program |
2 | Prof. Dr. Djohan
Graduate School of Indonesian Institute of the Arts Yogyakarta, Indonesia
MOA | Academic and Research Collaboration |
3 | Prof. Dr. Minoru Okada
Network Systems Laboratory, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
MOA | Academic and Research Collaboration |
Asst. Prof Dr. Phakkharawat Sittiprapaporn
Tel: +669 7131 7997
Email: wichian.sit@mfu.ac.th
- 研究人和动物的肠道微生物群落
- 利用肠道微生物作为非传染性疾病的生物标志物
- 使用肠道微生物作为益生菌
- 开发肠道微生物相关人类疾病的诊断、治疗和预防
- 开发、改进和使用肠道微生物作为非传染性疾病的益生菌和/或生物标志物
Asst. Prof. Dr. Siam Popluechai
Tel: +66 (0) 5391 214
E-mail: siam@mfu.ac.th
- [1] S. Popluechai*, N. Kullawong, A. Taluengjit, P. Pripdeevech, A. Hiranyakas, K. Kespechara. 2015. Investigation of Butyrate-producing Bacteria and Genes from Fecal Samples of Thai Volunteers. J. of Sci. Tech., Ubon Ratchathani University. Vol 17(1) Jan – Apr, pp 84-90.
- [2] Kisuse J, La-ongkham O, Nakphaichit M, Therdtatha P, Momoda R, Tanaka M, Fukuda S, Popluechai S, Kespechara K, Sonomoto K, Lee Y-K, Nitisinprasert S and Nakayama J (2018) Urban Diets Linked to Gut Microbiome and Metabolome Alterations in Children: A Comparative Cross-Sectional Study in Thailand. Front. Microbiol. 9:1345. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.01345.
- [3] Jinatham, V., Kullawong, N., Kespechara, K., Gentekaki, E., & Popluechai, S. (2018). Comparison of Gut Microbiota between Lean and Obese Adult Thai Individuals. Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters, 46(3), 277-287. doi:10.4014/mbl.1711.11003.
- [4] Yowang, A., Tsaousis, A. D., Chumphonsuk, T., Thongsin, N., Kullawong, N., Popluechai, S., & Gentekaki, E. (2018). High diversity of Blastocystis subtypes isolated from asymptomatic adults living in Chiang Rai, Thailand. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 65, 270-275. doi:10.1016/j.meegid.2018.08.010.
- [5] Jinatham, V., Popluechai, S., Clark, C. G., & Gentekaki, E. (2019). Entamoeba chiangraiensis n. sp. (Amoebozoa: Entamoebidae) isolated from the gut of Asian swamp eel (Monopterus albus) in northern Thailand. Parasitology, 1-23. doi:10.1017/s0031182019000775.
- [6] Betts, E, E Gentekaki* & AD Tsaousis. 2020. Exploring micro-eukaryotic diversity in the gut: co-occurrence of Blastocystis subtypes and other protists in zoo animals. Front. Microbiol. February 2020 | Volume 11 | Article 288.
- Medical Centers of Excellence, Bangkok Hospital Phuket
- บริษัทสุขสาธารณะ จำกัด
- Department of Biochemistry, Phramongkutklao College of Medicine
- Maelao Hospital, Wiang Chiang Rung Hospital
- Mae Pao, Takhaopleuk and Pong Pha Health Promoting Hospitals
- Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Agro-Industry, Kasetsart University
- Institute of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, London, the United Kingdom
- University of Kent, the United Kingdom
Asst. Prof. Dr. Siam Popluechai
Tel: +66 (0) 5391 214
E-mail: siam@mfu.ac.th
- 1. 建立一个高效、高产的研究小组,专注于食品包装、废物利用和生物材料的加工和开发;
- 激发创新和工业化的想法
- 培养青年研究人员
- 提供知识
- 建立新的跨学科合作
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Saroat Rawdkuen
Tel: (+66) 053-916-752
E-mail: saroat@mfu.ac.th
No. | Work | Type of work | Summary |
1 | Utilizations of banana by-products from Cavendish banana plantation | Products | – Banana peel extract
– Banana flour – Edible film from banana flour – Noodle from banana flour – Molded pulp tray from banana peduncle
No | Collaboration | Type of Collaboration | Summary |
1 | Korea University, South Korea | MoU | Academic collaboration for (1) Lab of Food and Biomaterial Chemistry (2) Food Processing Laboratory at Korea University as well as research participation, student exchange, staff exchange and visiting professor |
2 | Sejong University, South Korea | MoU, MoA | Academic collaboration for research participation, student exchange, staff exchange and visiting Professor |
3 | Center for Intelligent Agro-food Package (CIFP), South Korea | In process of developing MoU | Academic collaboration for co-organizing the Mini-Symposium in 2018 and 2019 as well as visiting professor |
4 | AgroSup Dijon, France | MoU, MoA | Academic collaboration for research participation, student exchange, staff exchange and visiting professor |
5 | University of Burgundy, France | In process of developing MoU | Academic collaboration for research participation, student exchange, staff exchange and visiting professor |
6 | Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University, France | MoU | Academic collaboration for research participation, student exchange, staff exchange and visiting professor |
7 | Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Japan | MoU, MoA | Academic collaboration for research participation, student exchange, staff exchange and visiting professor |
8 | Faculty of Agriculture,
Kagoshima University, Japan
MoU | Academic collaboration for research participation and student exchange |
9 | Chiba University, Japan | MoU, MoA | Academic collaboration for research participation, student exchange, staff exchange and visiting professor as well as being the co-advisor for student in Double degree program |
10 | Chiba University, Japan | MoU, MoA | Academic collaboration for research participation, student exchange, staff exchange and visiting professor |
11 | Singha Park Chiang Rai Co,Ltd. | In process of MoU | collaboration for product and processing development |
Dr. Wirongrong Tongdeesoontorn
The School of Agro-Industry
Tel: +66 (0) 5391 6754, +669 5449 1890
E-mail: wirongrong.ton@mfu.ac.th
Asst. Prof. Dr. Sutthiwal Setha
Tel: +66 (0) 5391 6754
Email: sutthiwal.set@mfu.ac.th
No. | Work | Type of work | Summary |
1. | Microwave-assisted hot air dryer | Innovation | A microwave-assisted hot air dryer was designed and set up to improve the drying process for ‘Phulae’ pineapple. Total drying time was successfully reduced to about 7 hours. Without adding any preservatives, the shelf life of dehydrated ‘Phulae’ pineapple was estimated about 6 weeks at room temperature. |
No. | Collaboration | Type of Collaboration | Summary |
1 | Faculty of Agriculture, Kagoshima University, Japan | MOU | – Research Exchange
– Joint Symposium – Training – Exchanges Students – Publications
2 | Graduate School of Horticulture, Chiba University, Japan | MOU | – Research Exchange
– Exchanges Students – Publications
3 | School of Science and Health, University of Western Sydney, Australia
Activity | – Visiting Professor |
Assistant Prof. Dr. Sutthiwal Setha
Tel: +66 (0) 5391 6754, +66 (0) 5391 6754, +669 5449 1890
E-mail: sutthiwal.set@mfu.ac.th
- 化妆品和药妆用草药的研发
- 研究文章、科学评论、专利和产品原型形式的研究出版物
- 技术和创新转移
- 新一代研究人员
- 学术和工业部门之间的技术和教育合作关系
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nattaya Lourith
Tel: +66 (0) 5391 6830
E-mail: nattayal@mfu.ac.th
Nattaya Lourith
Tel: +66 (0) 5391 6830
E-mail: nattayal@mfu.ac.th
- 通过使用环保工艺和减少合成化学品的使用来发展化妆品创新
- 促进天然产品和农业废弃物作为创新化妆品成分的利用
- 在化妆品安全和可持续性方面创造新知识和创新
- 促进青年研究人员
GCT 专注于利用绿色概念进行化妆品创新的研究和开发。它还促进将天然产品和农业废弃物用作化妆品创新成分。GCT 打算每年培养至少五名研究生,并与国家和国际机构合作发表研究作品。
Phanuphong Chaiwut 博士
电话:+66 (0) 5391 6835
No. | Work | Type of work | Summary |
1 | Number 333 Product | Commercial product | The hair care products developed by using Thai local rice extract (Sangyod rice) as active ingredient for hair loss prevention activity. |
2 | Yodsung Product | Commercial product | |
3 | Thanyalife Product | Commercial product | |
4 | Aurora Product | Commercial product | The hair care products contain Sangyod rice extract encapsulated in nanoparticle as active ingredient for hair loss prevention activity. |
No. | Collaboration | Type of Collaboration | Summary |
1 | Franco-Thai research | Mou | Research collaboration between the GCT, Mae Fah Luang University and BioDyMia Research group and LAGEP Research Unit, Lyon 1 University via PHC-Siam Fund for the exchange of researchers, co-research project and publication between the Thai and French partners |
2 | Research project collaboration | – | Research collaboration between the GCT, Mae Fah Luang University and Liverpool John Moore University for research project and publication. The MOU between the two partners is developing. |
Dr.Sarisa Sangthong
Tel: +66 (0) 5391 6830
E-mail: sarita.san@mfu.ac.th
- 与公共和私营部门的从业人员共同创建有效的材料回收解决方案,以减少对环境的影响
- 与地方政府制定有效的零浪费措施,以创建循环经济并实现可持续发展目标(SDGs)
- 通过与泰国及其他地区的研究机构和机构合作实现学术卓越
CEWT 为可持续生产和消费开发和推广可行的解决方案。它侧重于改进泰国和其他发展中国家的废物管理,这是产品体系中最薄弱的环节。它强调多学科和跨部门合作,以促进新颖的想法和有效的行动。
Dr. Panate Manomaivibool
Tel: +66 (0) 5391 6793
E-mail: panate.man@mfu.ac.th
No. | Work | Type of work | Summary |
1 | D-ToC (Data system for supporting the management of toxic waste from community in Chiang Rai) | Data system | An ICT solution which enables the Chiang Rai province to coordinate with all 144 local governments and deliver high volume of household hazardous waste for safe disposal (since 2017) |
2 | Zero Waste Trainings | Training | A training of the trainers (ToT) for local governments with more than 300 trainers from over the country (since 2016) |
3 | Step-wise Zero Waste Model | Model | A step-by-step approach to develop effective and low-cost a zero-waste community (since 2015) |
4 | Sawian | Product | A home composter modified from local bamboo equipment in the North of Thailand (since 2015) |
5 | FLY Volunteers | Project | An ongoing project that aims to foster environmental leadership in young volunteers (since 2019) |
- Chiang Rai Provincial Administrative Organization (CR PAO)
- Designated Areas for Sustainable Tourism Administration (Public Organization) (DASTA)
- Public Policy Studies Institute Foundation (PPSI)
- Environmental Research Institute Chulalongkorn University (ERIC)
- Solid Waste Association of Thailand (SWAT)
- Asia Zero Waste Institute
- United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
- National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Japan
- Feng Chia University (FCU), Taiwan
- Bournemouth University (BU), the UK
- International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE), Lund University, Sweden
- Metabolic Consulting, the Netherlands
- WWF Thailand
Dr. Panate Manomaivibool
Tel: +66 (0) 5391 6793
E-mail: panate.man@mfu.ac.th

Research Unit
- 在健康促进、保持身体能力、疾病预防和康复等各个健康方面发展有关老年人保健的研究和知识。
- 培训新手研究人员照顾老年人。
- 通过学术培训、教育和利益相关者,应用研究成果来改善和发展社区及周边地区老年人的护理质量。
- 在学术期刊和国家和/或国际会议上发表关于老年人护理的研究成果。
- 在皇太后大学内外建立老年护理研究网络
- 创建一个引领创新的试点项目,发展研究中心和综合养老培训中心。
- 建立养老研究管理体系
- 推动和鼓励护理学院讲师开展养老研究。
- 传播和传播与老年护理相关的研究和技术知识。
Asst. Prof. Porntip Sareeso
Tel: +66 (0) 5391 6873, +668 7404 9798
E-mail: porntip.sar@mfu.ac.th
No. | Work | Type of work | Summary |
1 | Development of a model for dependent elder care in Chiang Rai province | Public benefit | Research findings show that knowledge management about applying Chronic Care Model to dependent elders and the use of technology tools in the long-term care system in Chiang Rai province have become concrete and relevant to their contexts. Consequently, these findings can create integration, cooperation among people in the communities, caregivers, local government administrations, Buddhist monks, health care teams and academic personnel. In addition, these can increase the quality of life among dependent elders and caregivers; and develop a better system for stakeholders and health care teams to provide dependent elder care. |
No. | Collaboration | Type of Collaboration | Summary |
– | – | – | – |
Asst. Prof. Porntip Sareeso
Tel: +66 (0) 5391 6873, +668 7404 9798
E-mail: porntip.sar@mfu.ac.th
Assoc. Prof. Dr.Punnarumol Temdee
Tel: +66 (0) 5391 6758
E-mail: punnarumol@mfu.ac.th
No. | Work | Category | Description |
1 | Dissemination based Capacity Building Event for Faculty Members and Students | Activity | Participating in international event including WPMC2019 in Lisbon, Portugal during November 24-27, 2019 and the Conasene Four in one conference in Herning, Denmark during October 12-16, 2019. |
2 | Innovation based Capacity Building Event for Faculty and Student | Innovation Development Project | Smart Farming Development Project in Chiang Rai, Thailand |
3 | Smart HydroBox | A prototype smart farming for technology transfer | Technology transfer on Smart farm funded by NRCT |
No | Collaboration | Type of Collaboration | Description |
1 | Capacity building and exchange towards attaining technological research and modernizing academic learning | MOU with CTIF Global Capsule (CGC) (in progress) | MOU for academic exchange and collaboration |
Assoc.Prof. Dr.Punnarumol Temdee
Tel: +66 (0) 5391 6758
E-mail: punnarumol@mfu.ac.th
Asst. Prof. Dr.Pollavat Prapattong
Phone: +662 9450 6559
E-mail: pollavat.pra@mfu.ac.th
No. | work | Type of work | Summary |
1 | The Mangala Bhron Narimitra : 2017 | Product Design | From the result of the Humanities research project of “The Chicken Bone Divination Scripts”, the beauty and charming of the moral principles have been discovered. The characters of good and sacred prophesy scripts were used in the design of adornment named “Mangala Bhorn Narimitra” |
2 | The Guardians :2018 | Product Design | The design was adopted from the result of the Humanities research with emphasis on the study of ethnic group of Plang in the Upper Greater Mekong sub-Region. The research focused on the relationship of ethnic group in the religious dimension by investigating the special ritual of Plang people called “A-Yok” which means fear. From long legend to present tradition, Plang people actually wear scary traditional costumes for this special ritual in order to protect the Lord Buddha from the giant. Currently, Plang people design the contemporary costumes and change the pattern from fear to prettiness. |
The Legends :2018
(The Secrets of Mekong river)
Product Design | The design was adopted from the result of the Humanities research with emphasis on the study of Greater Mekong River. Taking the secret of local animals and myths into the research, the artwork was designed with a high sense of prettiness, creating the space of imagination and art experience by painting on the product based on imagination. The product designs of the year 2018 were Myth of Elephant Snake (a huge elephant-sized serpent) and the Secret of Mekong Giant Catfish. |
No. | Collaboration | Type of Collaboration | Summary |
1 | Human-Chicken Multi-Relationships Research Project-H.I.H Prince Akishino’s Research under the Royal Patronage of H.R.H. Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn (HCMR) | Research Project | Co-authored Research and articles in the research book such as Human and Chicken in Monsoon Asia Domestication, Breeding, Culture in the chapter of History of Human-Chicken Interactions in Thailand
(Folklore: Legend and Folktale)
2 | Institute of Thai Studies
Chulalongkorn University
Conference | Co – National Conference |
Mr.Chatnabadhana Panyaphet
The School of Liberal Arts
Tel: +669 0151 4951
E-mail: Chatnabadhana.pan@mfu.ac.th
- 根据国家经济和社会发展规划和国家边境地区发展战略,共同发展法学院强大而卓越的研究,因为清莱省是连接该地区的陆、水、海经济门户。
- 培养新一代研究人员在经济、贸易、安全、环境等各个领域与边境地区发展相关的法律事务的能力和专业知识。
- 以演示文稿、学术著作的出版物和相关研究的形式进行研究,这些研究可能适用于解决问题和开发边境地区。
- 建立边疆问题研究和研究整合管理机制,学以致用。
- 与国内外机构/组织就边境地区发展相关问题开展研究合作。
Dr. Yodsapon Nitiruchirot
Tel: +668 2061 6688
E-mail: yodsapon.nit@mfu.ac.th
No | Work | Type of work | Summary |
1 | Legal Measures for Supporting and Developing the Inter-states Transportation between
Thailand and Myanmar on Chiang Rai-Tachilek Route Located in Mae Sai Special Economic Zone, Chiang Rai
Research | The aim of this research project is to study the Legal Measures for supporting and developing the inter-states transportation between Thailand and the Union of Myanmar on Chiang Rai-Tachilek route located in Mae Sai Special Economic Zone Chiang Rai. |
Dr. Yodsapon Nitiruchirot
Tel: +668 2061 6688
E-mail: yodsapon.nit@mfu.ac.th

Other Research Centre
- 进行社会创新研究,形成综合知识体系并发展社会进步机制,以便为提高人民生活质量、有效和可持续地利用资源、世界和平以及解决社会和文化问题做出宝贵贡献
- 通过学术服务广泛传播知识,成为引导组织发展/改进的媒介,以建立一个创造性的社会
- 支持培养具有促进国家、地区和国际发展所需的创造力和社会管理技能的毕业生
- 成为培训研究人员的学术中心,在泰国和国外建立研究网络,出版学术期刊并组织学术活动/会议/研讨会,展示社会创新出版。
- 通过边界研究研究产生知识
- 在区域发展中提升社区和社会的力量
- 提供学术服务
- 作为建立研究网络的学术平台
Mr. Suebsakun Kidnukorn
Tel: +66 (0) 5391 6667
Email: suebsakun.kid@mfu.ac.th
1.Research funding for MFU lecturers
2.Conferences: the national conference on border studies and international development
4.Chiang Rai Borderland Report
- Member of the Thailand’s University Network on Border Studies (TSB-U.Net)
- Coordinating Center for Policy Research on Political Institutions and Foreign Relations: CCPR)
The School of Social Innovation, Mae Fah Luang University,
E1 building 4th floor, 333 Moo 1, Thasud, Muang, Chiang Rai, 57100
Tel: +66 (0) 5391 6667
Email: ab-sirc@mfu.ac.th
FB: https://www.facebook.com/absirc/
ARCID 将是一个研究密集型机构,专注于与政策相关的研究,特别是东亚-东南亚关系的政治、经济和社会文化问题。它旨在培养志同道合的研究中心的国际网络。它还将促进两个地区之间的人文交流,以进一步了解,双边和多边合作。
Senior Professor Dr.Lee Lai To
Tel: +66(0) 5391 7137
Email: lee.laito@yahoo.com.sg
- Occasional Paper Series
https://socialinnovation.mfu.ac.th/social-main/social-arcid/publications/occasional-papers.html- Bilveer Singh, “The Threat of Terrorism in ASEAN -Focus on Indonesia”, 2017
- Nguyen Anh Thu , Vu Thanh Huong, Le Thi Thang Xuan, “Vietnam’s Trade Integration With ASEAN + 3 : Trade Flow Indicators Approach”, 2017
- LEE Yo-Han, “Korea’s Policy on the South-South Cooperation and the Triangular Cooperation with ASEAN Countries: Focusing on Thailand”, 2018
- Sueo Sudo, “Japan and ASEAN in the Global Insecurity Context”, 2018
- Lei Zhuning, “China and the Mekong Region in the New Era”, with commentaries from Chalongrat Charoensri and Tarida Baikasame, 2018
- John P. Burns, “‘If we burn, you burn with us’: China’s 2019 Political Crisis in Hong Kong”, 2019
- ARCID China Updates compiled by Tarida Baikasame
https://socialinnovation.mfu.ac.th/social-main/social-arcid/monitor-and-analysis-unit/arcid-china-updates.html- ARCID China Update Volume 1, No. 1 (January-June 2018)
- ARCID China Update Volume 1, No. 2 (July-December 2018)
- ARCID China Update Volume 2, No. 1 (January-June 2019)
- ARCID China Update Volume 2, No. 2 (July-December 2019)
- ARCID China Update Volume 3, No. 1 (January-June 2020)
- ARCID China Policy Brief
https://socialinnovation.mfu.ac.th/social-main/social-arcid/monitor-and-analysis-unit/arcid-china-policy-briefs.html- Kavi Chongkittavorn, “New Challenges of Thai-China Relations”, Volume 1, No.1, July – August 2018
- Bilveer Sigh, “The Uighur Issue in Thai-China Relations”, Volume 1, No.2, September – October 2018
- Somchai Thamsutiwat, “China’s Railway Transportation Policy”, Volume 1, No. 3, November – December 2018
- Piti Srisangnam, “Lancang–Mekong Cooperation: Turning A Trust Crisis into Sustainable Development”, Volume 2, No.1, 2019
- Panu Buranajarukorn and Phisut Apichayakul, “National AI Strategies As An Economic Driven Tool: China and Thailand”, Volume 2, No. 2, 2019
- Busagarin Nitiwong, “Lessons Learned from Big Data Development in China”, Volume 2, No. 3, 2019
- Book
https://socialinnovation.mfu.ac.th/social-main/social-arcid/publications/books.html- Chinese People’s Diplomacy and Developmental Relations with East Asia: Trends in the Xi Jinping Era, London and New York: Routledge, 2020 (Edited by Lee Lai To)
- Research Fund
No | Universities/institutes | Period | Duration |
1 | School of International Studies/ Academy of Overseas Chinese Studies, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China | 3years | 1 Jul 2019 – 1 Jul 2022 |
2 | School of International Studies, Yunnan University, Yunna, China | 5 years | 1 Sep 2019 – 1 Sep 2024 |
3 | Thai University Network for Chinese Studies | 5 years | 1 Oct 2019 – 1 Oct 2024 |
1. Asian Research Center for International Development, School of Social Innovation, Mae Fah Luang University
2. Center for China and Globalizing Asia Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Mahidol University 3. China-Southeast Asian Studies Center, Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University 4. Institute of Asian Studies, Chulalongkorn University 5. Institute of East Asian Studies, Thammasat University
4 | Institute of International Studies, Shandong University, China | 5 years | 16 Jun 2020 – 16 June 2025 |
5 | The Open Research Center for Minamata Studies, Kumamoto Gakuen University, Japan | 5 years | 19 Oct 2020 – 19 Oct 2025 |
- Research project on “China’s Belt and Road Initiative Investments in Southeast Asia -A Case Study of the High-Speed Rail Project in Thailand” project funded by the Carnegie Corporation of New York and the Rockefeller Foundation coordinate by the Asia Foundation.
E1 Building, 4th Floor, School of Social Innovation, Mae Fah Luang University
Tel: +66(0) 53-917137
Email: arcid.social-innovation.school@mfu.ac.th
Facebook page : www.facebook.com/ARCIDTHAILAND/
Website : socialinnovation.mfu.ac.th/social-main/social-arcid/arcid-index.html
OBELS 是与边境贸易和物流相关的经济信息中心,特别是在大湄公河上游次区域。OBELS 为公众、学者以及公共和私营部门提供信息服务。凭借这样的能力,OBELS 有助于提高物流相关知识水平,促进人力资源开发和私营部门和国家的竞争力。最终,这样的成就将提高生活质量。
- 设立和管理智库,收集贸易投资、物流、旅游、经济社会发展等方面的一级和二级数据,收集省、国家和地区层面的统计数据
- 分析与经济、贸易和投资、物流、旅游、经济和社会发展相关的研究,并创建边境环境社会经济 (BESE) 指数
- 提供贸易、投资、物流、旅游和经济社会发展方面的学术服务和出版物
See more at rs.mfu.ac.th/obels/
The School of Management, Mae Fah Luang University,
E1 building 3rd floor, 333 Moo 1, Thasud, Muang, Chiang Rai, 57100
Tel: +66 (0) 5391 6680
Email: obels@mfu.ac.th